NEW DELHI: There were curious scenes at Rajiv Chowk Metro Station earlier today when a man was seen asking people if they were supporters of Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) and then hugging them and giving them a 500 rupee note each if they answered in affirmative.
The man was later identified as 56 years old Puneet Jindal, who is a billionaire having his own steel company. He said that he was very impressed with the good work done by the AAP government in Delhi as well as with the selfless work being carried out by AAP volunteers in various parts of the country.
“I have donated to AAP many times earlier. Once I woke up suddenly in the midnight and just felt like donating to AAP, and donated 5 crore rupees. I have also donated to the Delhi government, but I always felt that I needed to donate more,” Jindal told Junta Ka Reporter when asked why was he giving money to ordinary AAP supporters.
“I have come across AAP supporters who fight for good values on Facebook and Twitter all day long, and I thought they should also be donated to. Many of them might not be paid volunteers, so I thought I should identify them and support them,” the billionaire explained why he took this route.
Since many AAP supporters have strange names and display pictures on Facebook and Twitter and it was not possible to identify the real people and names behind those accounts, Puneet thought that the best way was to ask real people in real world if they were AAP supporters.
“Yes, not all of them would be active on social media, but if they are AAP supporters, they must be fighting for some good cause in whatever form, so I’m sure that my money is not getting wasted. And if they are active on social media, this is my token of appreciation for their work,” the owner of Jindal Steel Works said.
Puneet further said that AAP supporters were the reason the party won elections and hence his small contribution towards their welfare was just a way of showing gratitude.
“They have helped the most honest party in this world win Delhi elections, and I’m sure AAP will win elections in Goa, Punjab, Gujarat, and later in all India. This is the great work they are doing. 500 rupees is too small a thing when compared to their work,” he said.
When asked what does he do when he meets someone who is not an AAP supporter and instead could be a BJP supporter who are not known for doing good work.
“I give them fake currencies,” he revealed. “Modi is feku and BJP supporters online are all fake accounts, so they deserve fake currencies. I hope they end up in jail for carrying fake currencies when they try to buy something with that fake 500 rupee note.”
When asked if carrying fake currencies was not a crime, Jindal said that he had read constitution and nowhere in the constitution is it mentioned that carrying fake currency was a crime.
Experts agree with Jindal on this.
“Giving someone a fake currency after buying a good is crime as you are cheating. Or printing fake currency is a crime as you are doing an illegal printing. But just carrying fake currency is not a crime,” neutral commentator Abhay Kumar Dubey said.
“Jindal is just carrying fake currencies, he has not printed them. He is not doing any transaction when he hands them over to the BJP workers. So there is no illegality involved. If some action is taken against him, it clearly will be vendetta politics by the BJP government because he donates to AAP,” Mr. Dubey added.
Puneet Jindal said that it was not just a one day stunt and he will continue moving around in Delhi Metro and giving people 500 rupee notes if they were AAP supporters. He later tried to give 500 rupees to Junta Ka Reporter as well, but we refused to take it as we are a neutral media house.